Scottish Police

3338 days ago

Aiden Earley – as Some Documents go Down (pro tem) the Killer Worthington/.Rangers document emerges

I am obliged under the interim injunction to remove all emails republished here from Craig Earley and all documents attached to those emails by 4.30 PM today and shall do so. I appeal the matter in the High Court Wednesday. However I have just been handed a document which is not attached to any email from Earley and appears to be the killer blow on the Worthington fraud and also casts a whole new light on Rangers and the Craig Whyte affair.  Since it arrived as a stand-alone it is NOT covered by the injunction. I shall be passing it onto the UKLA/FCA and Serious Fraud Office at once and imagine Rangers supporters may want the Scottish Police to see it as it implies that the current Rangers enquiry may need widening.

The key points are at the end of the document and demonstrate that
